Main Menu [ S ] Select Port - Select the comm port you wish to analyze. [ P ] Port Status - Displays the status of the port selected. [ I ] Init Port - Initialize selected port to parameters. [ M ] Mode Select - Choose between Online, Monitor, or data capture modes. [ A ] Autospeed - Compute the protocol of data at serial port. [ D ] Dos Shell - Temporarliy exit to DOS. [ H ] Help - This help file. [ Q ] Quit - End the program. Port Selection Menu [ 1 ] Com1 - Test the serial port. [ 2 ] Com2 - Test the serial port. [ 3 ] Lpt1 - Test the parallel port. [ 4 ] Lpt2 - Test the parallel port. Serial Port Status This module displays the current status of your serial port. A " 1 " in the left column indicates a TRUE condition. A " 0 " in the left column indicates a FALSE condition. In this module, any keys struck are not transmitted to the serial port. Parallel Port Status This module displays the current status of your parallel port. A " 1 " in the left column indicates a TRUE condition. A " 0 " in the left column indicates a FALSE condition. In this module, any keys struck are not transmitted to the parallel port. Init Serial Port Select your desired communications protocol. Baud rate Parity Data bits (word length) Stop bits Select [ S ] Save in order to initialize port. Init Parallel Port Selection of this module will automatically initialize the Parallel port you selected. Once initialized, the current status of the parallel port is displayed. Select Mode [ 1 ] Monitor Port - Monitor the selected Port only. No transmitting is allowed. For serial data communications, DTR and RTS are set to low. [ 2 ] Online Port - Places computer Online with selected port. Data transmission is also allowed. [ 3 ] Capture Port - Capture port data for repetetive review. Autospeed This module will attempt to automatically synchronize to the baud rate and protocol of data appearing only at the serial ports. In order to operate effectively, data must appear consistently throughout the test. At the end of the test the serial port selected is initialized to that of the data appearing at the port. Dos Shell A temporary exit to the operating system. Return back to this program via EXIT command. Serial Port [ 1 ] Enable online transmit - Online mode only, keys struct are transmitted out the port. [ 2 ] Toggle constant transmit - Online mode only, the first key struct is continuously transmitted. [ 3 ] Space bar toggles scan - Enable the space bar to temporarily stop scanning the port. [ 4 ] Refresh status screen - Select sreen clearing mode. [ 5 ] Refresh Txmt data line - Select Tx line clearing mode. [ 6 ] Refresh Recv data line - Select Rv line clearing mode. [ 7 ] Toggle positioning arrows - Turn arrows on / off. [ 8 ] Toggle recv data format - Non error-free received data is displayed either underline or reverse vide 'E'. Parallel Port [ 1 ] Enable online transmit - Online mode only, keys struct are transmitted out the port. [ 2 ] Toggle constant transmit - Online mode only, the first key struct is continuously transmitted. [ 3 ] Space bar toggles scan - Enable the space bar to temporarily stop scanning the port. [ 4 ] Refresh status screen - Select sreen clearing mode. [ 5 ] Refresh Txmt data line - Select Tx line clearing mode. [ 6 ] Toggle positioning arrows - Turn arrows on / off.